Reviews Agadir Al Massira Airport

1.8 from 1 review
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Terminal signs & directions
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The security and immigration process is not convenient and extremely slow compared to the low number of passangers.
What would they do in case of higher volume of passengers?
It is not signed at the immigration that it is must to fill-in a small out-going-paper-document, that is why many people have to do it in the queue, or after they went to the officer at the desk.
After all, there is an other check of the passport, from 2 steps the desk...why?
Other thing is, that every people have to take off their shoes, however it is not needed in other airports in case of you have just a running/sport show, for example.
Terminal signs & directions
Terminal cleanliness
Airport staff
Queuing times
Food & beverages
Airport Wifi service

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