Reviews Dar-es-Salaam Julius Nyerere International Airport
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DAR is the nightmare of each frequent traveller. In particular arriving and going through the visa procedure is out of this world. As a result you will get the most expensive business visa world-wide at costs of USD 250.00 for a single entry. Roads from and to the airport are chronically congested and there is absolutely nothing being done to improve the infrastructure of the city. A one-time visit is enough to find out that this is not a country to invest in.
- Date
- 07.06.2015
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Acces depuis le centre difficile pour cause d'embouteillages chroniques, un terminal sommaire, des controles de securite multiples et des services limites. La clim ne fait pas partie du vocabulaire local et c'est bien dommage.
- Date
- 28.02.2015
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Worst airport I've ever been to. The security is terrible, airport check in and other facilities as well. Fortunately the new terminal will be coming. Worst airport I've ever been to. The security is terrible, airport check in and other facilities as well. Fortunately the new terminal will be coming.
- Date
- 17.08.2014
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
A small airport that does not have many facilities.It has one bar open to the public and a lounge downstairs.
I would not get to the airport to early as there is nothing to keep you entertained.The traffic can be bad so be careful in your timing
I would not get to the airport to early as there is nothing to keep you entertained.The traffic can be bad so be careful in your timing
- Date
- 24.01.2012
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
airport still in the 60's , 1 small bar.
- Date
- 10.12.2010
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
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