Reviews Nuremberg Airport
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Schoner Kurz-Ausflug in die Innenstadt moglich!
- Date
- 04.11.2012
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
A very straightforward, clear and fast airport. There is a underground-station. So the downtown can be reached in 10 minutes.
Only direct flights inside europe are offered.
Only direct flights inside europe are offered.
- Date
- 20.09.2012
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Small, nice, fast, and close to the city.
- Date
- 30.07.2012
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Relativ kleiner Flughafen, keine internationalen Fluge.
- Date
- 25.09.2011
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Nice, little Airport, clean and functional
- Date
- 18.09.2011
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
Durcheinander bei den Ansagen - nachdem Schneebedingt etwas caotisch war...
- Date
- 19.02.2011
- Terminal signs & directions
- Terminal cleanliness
- Airport staff
- Queuing times
- Food & beverages
- Airport Wifi service
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